Create Extraordinary Relationships

With yourself and others

Relationship Coaching for growth

minded individuals and couples

Imagine having a sounding board, a thought partner, and a steadfast ally by your side.

As a relationship coach, I help you embrace your authentic self – an essential step in cultivating the love and belonging you want in your life. Together, we make sure you have the skills and knowledge to overcome internal and external obstacles to reach your relationship goals.

Discover The Couple’s Map

Explore the 4 developmental stages of love & uncover your relationship’s present-day coordinates.


You don't need to be in a relationship—or unhappy in one—to find value in relationship coaching. Here are some ways you can benefit from this powerful work.

  • Pre-Marital & Newlywed Enrichment

    Online self-paced course for couples – coming soon!

  • Dating

    Lead with authenticity, self-worth, and self-trust to bring the dating process into alignment with you and your values.

  • Stepmoms / Stepdads

    Learn research-backed best practices for managing the outsider role during the blending process.

  • Solo by Choice

    Meet your belonging needs through a by-design life and by-design relationships. Read more about the Solo life, here on the Starling Blog!

  • Breakups & Divorce

    Transform a shifting identity into a new self-concept full of possibility and agency.

From Starling, with love…

This collection is a sanctuary where you'll find expert insights, practical advice, and real stories to navigate the beautiful complexities of human connections.

Anne Decore, MSMFT

master of science in marriage and family therapy

Hello, Starlings! I’m Anne DeCore, MSMFT.

I help people overcome internal and external obstacles so they can generate the kind of love and belonging they want in their lives.

Navigating romantic relationships can feel overwhelming. There are the beginnings and endings to traverse. There is the ambivalence that big commitments rightfully awaken. For those who enter long-term monogamous partnerships there are the inevitable challenges that arise. For those designing a modern, norm-busting approach there are goals and needs to get clear on.

Wherever you’re located relationally, it’s normal to feel lost, stuck, searching. There’s not a person out there who hasn’t felt disoriented at some point. My coaching will help you find your path.

Book a consult

I work with individuals and couples: schedule a free 30 minute consultation to explore the best way for us to work together.